Boleng bo botle haholo ba Indole Butyric Acid - lihlahisoa tsa mahola agrochemical mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko - AgeruoBiotech

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Overview Quick Details PD No.: herbisida diuron 80 wp CAS No.: 330-54-1 Mabitso a Mang: DCMU;Dichlorfenidim;Karmex MF: C9H10Cl2N2O EINECS No.: 206-354-4 Sebaka sa Tšimoloho: Hebei, China State: Powder Purity: Diuron 80% WP Kopo: Lebitso la Lebitso la Herbicide: Agro Model Number: Diuron 80% WP Classification: Herbicide Lebitso la sehlahisoa: Diuron 80% WP Label: Setifikeiti se Tloaelehileng: ISO9001,BV, SGS Boleng: Bophelo ba Shelf bo Atlehang Haholo: 2...

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Basebetsi ba rona ka koetliso ea litsebo.Tsebo ea litsebo tse nang le tsebo, maikutlo a matla a khampani, ho khotsofatsa litlhoko tsa mofani oa bareki bakeng saLufenuron, Bifenthrin e bolaeang likokoanyana, Lufenuron e bolaeang likokoanyana, Re tšepa hore re ka iketsetsa bokamoso bo khanyang haholoanyane le uena ka boiteko ba rona nakong e tlang.
Boleng bo botle haholo ba Indole Butyric Acid - lihlahisoa tsa mahola a agrochemical mabitso Diuron 80 WP theko - AgeruoBiotech Detail:

Lintlha tse Potlakileng
Nomoro ea PD:
herbisida diuron 80 wp
Nomoro ea CAS:
Mabitso a Mang:
Setšoantšo sa C9H10Cl2N2O
Nomoro ea EINECS:
Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:
Hebei, China
Diurone 80% WP
Lebitso la Brand:
Nomoro ea Mohlala:
Diurone 80% WP
Lebitso la sehlahisoa:
Diurone 80% WP
E Sebetsa Haholo
Shelf Life:
lilemo tse 2
Lebitso le tloaelehileng:
diuron 97% TC
Mohlala oa mahala
Lipehelo tsa tefo:
Mantsoe a bohlokoa:

Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko


Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko



Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

Diuron ea boleng bo phahameng 97% CAS: 330-54-1

Lebitso le tloaelehileng Diurone
Lebitso le leng DCMU;Dichlorfenidim;Karmex;3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl) -1,1-dimethylurea
Mokhoa oa limolek'hule Setšoantšo sa C9H10Cl2N2O
Mofuta oa tlhahiso Diuron Technical: 97% TC,

Diuron Formulations: 50%SC,80%WP

Mokhoa oa Ts'ebetso Diuron e ka sebelisoa ho laola masimo, lirapa tsa lifate, lipalesa tsa lipalesa, makhulo a joang le mobu o sa lengoeng, litsela tsa terene, linōka, matamo, matlo a polokelo le mofoka o mong, nosetso e sa tšoaneng, Zashu le limela tse ling tse kotsi.

Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

Diurone tekanyo ea litšupiso:

Tlhamo Sejalo Lehola Tekanyetso
Diurone 80% WP Koro ea mariha lehola 130-198g/ha

Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

DiuronePhakete ea Lisebelisoa:

Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

Phapang ea Phano:COEX,PE,PET,HDPE,Aluminium Bottle,Can,Plastic Drum,Galvanized Drum,PVF Drum

Moqomo o kopantsoeng oa tšepe oa polasetiki, Mokotla oa Aluminium Foll, PP Mokotla le Moqomo oa Fiber.

Bolumo ea ho paka:Mokelikeli: 200Lt polasetiki kapa moqomo oa tšepe, 20L, 10L, 5L HDPE, FHDPE, Co-EX, moropa oa PET
1Lt, 500mL, 200mL, 100mL, 50mL HDPE, FHDPE, Co-EX, filimi ea botlolo ea PET Shrink filimi, ho lekanya cap.
E tiileng: 25kg, 20kg, 10kg, 5kg faeba drum, mokotla oa PP, mokotla oa pampiri ea matsoho, 1kg, 500g, 200g, 100g, 50g, 20g Aluminium foil bag.
Lebokose:lebokose la polasetiki le phuthetsoeng.


Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko


     Shijiazhuang AgroBiotech Co., Ltd 

      1. Re na le to ile a ntlafatsa lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso le sehlopha se nang le boiphihlelo ba r&d,eoe khona ho hlahisa mefuta eohle ea lihlahisoa le metsoako.
2.Re tsotella emohato o moholo ho tloha kamohelong ea tekheniki ho isa ho sebetsa ka masene,taolo e tiileng ea boleng le tlhahlobotiisetsoboleng bo botle ka ho fetisisa.

3. Re etsa bonnete ba hore inventory ka tieo, e le hore lihlahisoa li ka romeloa boema-kepeng ba hau ka nako e nepahetseng.


Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

    Shijiazhuang AgroBiotech Co., Ltd 

1.Bolengpele .Feme ea rona e fetile netefatso eaISO9001:2000le tumello ea GMP.

2.Rngodisaation litokomane tšehetsoleICAMASetifikeitiphepelo.

Tlhahlobo ea 3.SGSbakeng sa lihlahisoa tsohle.


Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko

1. P: Feme ea hau e etsa taolo ea boleng joang?

A: Boleng ba bohlokoa.Feme ea rona e fetisitse netefatso ea ISO9001: 2000 le GMP accreditation.Re na le lihlahisoa tsa boleng ba boemo ba Pele le tlhahlobo e tiileng ea pele ho thepa.U ka romella lisampole bakeng sa tlhahlobo, 'me rea u amohela hore u hlahlobe tlhahlobo pele u romelloa.

2. P: Nka fumana disampole?

A: lisampole tsa mahala lia fumaneha, empa litefiso tsa thepa li tla ba akhaonteng ea hau mme litefiso li tla khutlisetsoa ho uena kapa li tlosoe ho odara ea hau nakong e tlang.1-10 kgs e ka romelloa ke FedEx/DHL/UPS/TNT ka Door- tsela ea ho ea ntlong.

3. P: U amohela lipehelo tsa mofuta ofe tsa tefo?

A: Bakeng sa odara e nyane, lefa ka T/T, Western Union kapa Paypal.Bakeng sa taelo e tloaelehileng, lefa ka T / T ho akhaonto ea rona ea k'hamphani.

4. P: Na o ka re thusa ho ngolisa khoutu?

A: Tšehetso ea litokomane tsa ngoliso ea GLP.Re tla u tšehetsa hore u ingolise, 'me u fane ka litokomane tsohle tse hlokahalang bakeng sa hau.

5. P: O ka penta logo ea rona?

A: E, re ka hatisa logo ea bareki likarolong tsohle tsa liphutheloana.

6. P: Na u ka fana ka nako?

A: Re fana ka thepa ho latela letsatsi la ho pepa ka nako, matsatsi a 7-10 bakeng sa disampole;Matsatsi a 30-40 bakeng sa thepa ea sehlopha.


Agrochemical weedicides mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko


Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Boleng bo botle haholo ba Indole Butyric Acid - li-wedicides tsa agrochemical mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko - Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa AgeruoBiotech

Boleng bo botle haholo ba Indole Butyric Acid - li-wedicides tsa agrochemical mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko - Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa AgeruoBiotech

Boleng bo botle haholo ba Indole Butyric Acid - li-wedicides tsa agrochemical mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko - Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa AgeruoBiotech

Boleng bo botle haholo ba Indole Butyric Acid - li-wedicides tsa agrochemical mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko - Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa AgeruoBiotech

Boleng bo botle haholo ba Indole Butyric Acid - li-wedicides tsa agrochemical mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko - Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa AgeruoBiotech

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Re totobatsa tsoelo-pele le ho hlahisa litharollo tse ncha 'marakeng selemo se seng le se seng bakeng sa boleng bo botle ba Indole Butyric Acid - li-wedicides tsa agrochemical mabitso a herbicide Diuron 80 WP theko - AgeruoBiotech , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Palestine, Barcelona, ​​​​Switzerland, Our sehlopha sa boenjiniere ba litsebi se tla lula se loketse ho u sebeletsa bakeng sa lipuisano le maikutlo.Re boetse re khona ho u fa lisampole tsa mahala ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau.Maiteko a matle ka ho fetisisa a tla hlahisoa ho u fa litšebeletso le thepa e nepahetseng.Bakeng sa mang kapa mang ea nahanang ka k'hamphani le thepa ea rona, etsa bonnete ba hore o ikopanya le rona ka ho re romella mangolo-tsoibila kapa ho ikopanya le rona kapele.E le mokhoa oa ho tseba lihlahisoa tsa rona le tse tiileng.tse ling tse ngata, u ka tla fekthering ea rona ho tla tseba.Re tla lula re amohela baeti ba tsoang lefats'eng lohle ho tla khoebong ea rona ho theha likamano tsa khampani le rona.Etsa bonnete ba hore u ikutloa u lokolohile ho ikopanya le rona bakeng sa khoebo 'me re lumela hore esale re ikemiselitse ho arolelana boiphihlelo bo holimo ba khoebo le barekisi bohle ba rona.
  • The mofani wa thepa khomarela khopolo ea "boleng ba motheo, tšepa pele le tsamaiso e tsoetseng pele" e le hore ba ka etsa bonnete ba hore e ka tšeptjoang sehlahiswa boleng le bareki tsitsitseng. Linaleli tse 5 Ka Sarah oa Pretoria - 2017.04.08 14:55
    Maikutlo a basebetsi ba litšebeletso tsa bareki a tšepahala haholo 'me karabo e nakong ebile e na le lintlha tse ngata, sena se thusa haholo khoebong ea rona, kea leboha. Linaleli tse 5 Ka Judith oa Burundi - 2018.12.30 10:21