Hazards of common wheat pests and control methods

Common diseases of wheat

1. Wheat Rust

Wheat rust is divided into strip rust, leaf rust and culm rust. When the disease develops, bright yellow and reddish-brown summer spore mounds will appear on the leaf blades, and black winter spore mounds will be produced in the later stage. Rust will lead to leaf drying, affect photosynthesis, make wheat plants decline early, and in serious cases, it will cause wheat yield reduction of 30% – 50%.

Prevention and control methods
Select disease-resistant varieties
Reasonable crop rotation
Sowing at the right time, avoiding early sowing.

Pharmaceutical control
Spray Triadimefon, Tebuconazole, Hexaconazole etc. at the early stage of disease.
Spray every 7-10 days, 2-3 times in a row.


2. Wheat powdery mildew

Wheat powdery mildew mainly jeopardizes the leaves, and also jeopardizes the leaf sheaths, stalks and spikes when it is serious. At the beginning of the disease, white mold appears on the surface of the leaf, then gradually expands into white mold spots, and later on the mold spots will produce black dots. Powdery mildew affects the photosynthesis of wheat, causing poor growth of wheat plants, resulting in wheat grain thinning, and in severe cases can reduce wheat yield by 10% – 20%.

Prevention and control methods
Select disease-resistant varieties
Reasonable close planting, strengthen field management, maintain ventilation and light penetration.

Pharmaceutical control
Spray Azoxystrobin, Metrafenone and Flutriafol at the beginning of the disease.
Spray every 7 – 10 days, 2 – 3 times in a row.


3. Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat

Fusarium head blight can occur from seedling to spike stage, mainly causing spike rot. At the beginning of the disease, watery brown spots appear on the glumes of the spikelet, and then gradually spread to the entire spikelet, making the spikelet yellow. When the humidity is high, the disease produces a pink mold layer. Red mold will not only lead to wheat yield reduction, but also make the wheat grain contain toxins, which seriously affects the quality of wheat and food safety.

Prevention and control methods
Reasonable drainage and irrigation, reduce field humidity
Select disease-resistant varieties

Pharmaceutical control
Use Cyantraniliprole, Tebuconazole, Prochloraz, etc. to control the disease during the period of spike and blossom.
Spray every 7-10 days, 2-3 times in a row.


Common insect pests of wheat

1. Wheat aphid

Wheat aphids suck the sap of wheat leaves, stalks and young ears with adult and adult aphids. The infested areas are light yellow spots, and in severe cases, the leaves turn yellow, the plants are short, the tillers are reduced, and the wheat grains are not full, which seriously affects the yield and quality of wheat.

Prevention and control methods
Biological control by using natural enemies of Wheat aphids, such as Ladybugs, Syrphid Flies and Green Lacewings.

Pharmacological control
In the early stages of Wheat aphid infestation, spray with Imidacloprid, Acetamiprid or Thiamethoxam.



2. Wheat Midge

Wheat sucking insect larvae lurk in the glumes to suck the sap of wheat grains that are being irrigated, resulting in shriveled wheat grains and empty shells, which seriously affects the yield of wheat.

Prevention and control methods
Choose insect-resistant varieties
Crop rotation

Soil treatment
Before sowing wheat, use Phoxim and Chlorpyrifos to evenly spread on the ground with fine soil, and then plow the soil.

Pharmaceutical control
Wheat midge is controlled by spraying with Lambda-Cyhalothrin and Cypermethrin from the time of spiking to the time of flower setting.


3. Wheat Spider Mites

Wheat spiders mainly include Wheat Circular Mites and Wheat Long-legged Mites. The mites suck the sap of wheat leaves, and the infested leaves first appear yellowish-white spots, followed by yellowing and drying up of the leaves, and the plant grows poorly, and in serious cases, the whole plant dries up and dies.

Prevention and control methods
Plowing and weeding in time to destroy the living environment of wheat spiders.

Pharmaceutical control
Use Abamectin, Pyridaben, Fenpyroximate and other chemicals to spray and control the wheat spider at the early stage of occurrence.


Commonly used control agents

Triadimefon: can be used to control wheat rust, powdery mildew and so on.
Tebuconazole: It has good effect on wheat rust, powdery mildew, blight and downy mildew.
Prothioconazole: It can effectively control wheat blight and powdery mildew.
Flutriafol: It can be used for the control of rust and powdery mildew.
Hexaconazole: It can be used to control wheat rust, powdery mildew and other diseases.
Jinggangmycin: commonly used in the control of wheat blight.
Isopyrazam: It has good preventive effect against wheat blight.
Abamectin: It can be used to control mite pests such as red spider of wheat.
Bifenthrin: It can effectively control wheat spiders and aphids.
Imidacloprid: It can be used to control wheat aphids and underground pests.
Chlorpyrifos: used to control underground pests, aphids and so on.
Cyantraniliprole: It has good preventive and therapeutic effects on wheat mildew.
Carbendazim: can prevent a variety of diseases such as wheat mildew.


Precautions for the use of pesticides

Strictly in accordance with the instructions of the use of pesticides, dosage and safety intervals for the application of drugs.
Choose the right time to apply, avoid high temperature, wind or rainfall and other unfavorable weather conditions.
Pay attention to the rotation of the use of agents to delay the emergence of pest resistance.
Adopt the correct application method to ensure that the chemicals evenly cover the pest and disease areas.
Pay attention to personal protection when applying pesticides to avoid contact with the skin and inhalation of pesticides into the respiratory tract.
Observe the relevant regulations on the safe use of pesticides to avoid harming the environment and beneficial organisms.

Post time: Jul-15-2024