Chlorpyrifos 500 G/L+ Cypermethrin 50 G/L
Factory Price Agrochemical Pesticide Insecticide Bifenthrin 10% SC
Pest Control Pesticide Insecticide 57% Ec Propargite Acaricide
Bonum elit of Agrochemicals Pesticides Imidacloprid 15%+ Lambda-cyhalothrin 5%SC
Calidum venditionis Rat venenum Rodenticide Brodifacoum 0.005%GR cum parvo pretio
Ageruo Deltamethrin L% EC Dum Secretum Label Design
Ageruo Insecticidium Indoxacarb 150 g/l SC Pro nece Pest
Ageruo Biological Insecticide Dinotefuran 98% TC for Lata Used
Ageruo Dimethoate 400 g/l EC cum customised Label pro Pest Imperium
Maximum Efficiency Agrochemical pesticide Insecticide Clothianidin% L% Wdg
Fipronil 3% GR Insecticide with Quality Pesticide Seges Praesidium
Agrochemical Insecticida Imidaclorprid 25% WP 20% WP Tutus